Tuesday, May 5, 2009


so I almost puked today. I was walking home and about a block after I passed the 3rd person I have seen peeing on the street in the past 4 weeks there was this girl. She was wearing the shortest, tightest white shorts ever. They werent even shorts, they were just material. The worst part is that they were see through, mostly because they were stretched over her big ass. She was not attractive at all. I almost puked.

So I have noticed that I have become more itlian since arriving. I have started to speak to the vendors with shitty itlian as well as walk on the street before the lights change for no good reason at all. There will be cars coming in both directions and I will be a few steps on the street, waiting for the lights to change, then waiting for 8 cars to run the red light, then waiting for the cars turning that dont care about pedestrians, then I will go. But I will still be out on the street waiting. I am not as bad as some of them. There is this one street that is under construction because they are putting in a subway, that doesnt go anywhere. Seriously, I can walk form the north of the city to the south in 45min. This subway doesnt go anywhere.

so yeah this intersection where there is construction. You have to walk around a blockade, which puts you in a lane of traffic. So you walk up the intersection on the street and wait for the lights to change, then quickly get out of the way of the on coming traffic and cross more towards the cars that are stopped. So I usually stand behind the blockade so that the cars dont hit me, while others stand directly on the tram tracks, until a tram comes, then quickly run back behind me, then as the tram passes they walk back into traffic to wait for the lights, and the running of the red lights, and then the turning cars. I have seen two different people do this the same day. The second person watched the first person do it, then they both did it again when a second tram came by. I thought about pushing them slightly so they would get nicked, but the trams move pretty fast and they cant stop.

These were seriously sick shorts. Also where they are peeing is not a corner of a parking garage or anything, its a meridian divider as cars pass on either side of them.

1 comment:

  1. Landon has a pair of shorts like that.
