Friday, April 10, 2009

Italy almost bent me over

Holy crap what an ordeal. Apparently somehow I got into this country illegally. I had to get a stamp when I came in, but they just didnt give me one. So today I went to get a SIN number but I didnt have a stamp. So they told me to get a stamp. So to get a stamp they told me to go to the police station. We go around the coner to the police station and they tell us we have to go to the one in my area of my apartment. So we drive down there. They tell us we have to go to the immigration place. So we go there.

This was the WORST place ever. Hundreds of people, all with tickets that they got at 6am and they stopped giving out tickets at 7am. People were fighting, and they all looked depressed because they had been there since 6am. We just left because we didnt believe that this was right. We went back to the second police station and they tell us to go the first police station. We go back to the first station where they let us inside to meet with two women. We explained the sistuation and everything was cool, until we tried to fill out the form with studies instead of tourist.

HOLY CRAP. I dont speak itlian but I am pretty sure they were not happy with us. So about 30min of telling us we are stupid and they finally accept that I am a tourist.

Now the only problem is that I technically dont have a visa for working, because I cant be hired without a SIN number, but I cant get that with a tourist stamp, so I need a working visa, which of course requires a SIN.

Long story short I think I will work for 3 months here and apply for a working visa after a month working, which I will be granted. Then I will come home and accept the position that I had already worked. Then get paid for the time that I had already spent working.

I owe my new friend Walter (pronouced valta) some beer for this day.


  1. Oh Mark Milne, did I not tell you you can not just enter a country without goibg through customs. It is like Monopoly, you get to go around to different properties as long as you pass go and then you collect your $200. But if you have to go to jail you do not pass go and you do not get $200. Now that you went to jail there is no money for you! You better start again and next time bring the get out of jail free card so you can get paid. Do you need money?

  2. no way. I have paid everything and the rest visa pays for.

  3. That is crazy. How is everything else going??
