Friday, April 3, 2009


So obviously day one would consist of traveling, otherwise I would still be at home and this would be the end. Its not the end, so lets continue.

So the plane ride going to toronto was full of people that are VERY IMPORTANT. Awhole crap load of them were on the gold or executive or super executive or get out of my way plan. For only a few more hundred dollars not only do you get to line up first you get to sit down first and wait longer for everyone else.

So sitting on the plane I fall asleep like I always do on planes only to be woken by the lady next to me hitting me with her ear phones as she gets up to go to the bathroom. She tried to get up while wearing them and they pulled out of her head and hit me. No apologizes. Then when she gets back I get to spend the rest of the flight with her pretending to read an accounting course manual in between her turning around to see who kicked her chair. AHHH how about anyone over 5'10" cant move their legs without kicking the chair infront of them.

So when I land in TO I have about an hour to get to the next plane, luckily its in the same terminal. Unlikely the same terminal has 2 security checkpoints and 10 moving sidewalks. I dont decide what is considered the same terminal of airports, but that was not.

For any of you that would like to know why air canada is bankrupt you should have been on my flight. First off we take off about 50min late. I would expect that from aircanada at TO. I am surprised we took off at all. There was some repair to make and I assumed we would all be left in TO for a few days. After that I am sitting on a plane that fits around 400 people, there was less then 90. I counted. Business class (50 seats) was pretty full and the rest of the plane (350 seats) had about 50 people in them. Dont get me wrong, I enjoyed it but they lost buckets of money on that flight.

Landing in frankfurt, this is where the story gets alittle fuzzy and rushed. I get off the plane only to see a pack of 20 waiting with some guy with a sign. Look at the sign, prague, nope push my way through. Get to the screen with departures. My flight is not up there, so I start to walk up the girls that are standing under the sign, while they yell "WE ARE ONLY FOR FLIGHTS LEAVING IN 30MIN!" Like anyone should know why else they would be standing near the departure sign. So I turned around and walked in the opposite direction of the plane, seeing how I know I am not getting back on that one. walk walk walk. See a sign for the airline that I am flying on and I stand behind a guy who is asking about his flights. Then the guy at the desk says, oh we are not that airline. WHY ARE YOU STANDING UNDER A SIGN THAT IS NOT YOURS AND EXPECT OTHERS TO KNOW THAT. Turn around and walk in the same direction I was going, following the blue arrows. BAM out of nowhere is 3 huge screen with all the departures of the next hour. There is literally over 100 leaving in the next hour. Find my gate, A5. Nice I can do that my planes gate was B36 and its the same terminal. That could only take 10min to walk there.

So I walk up the stairs and down a hall then another hall then get on the express sidewalk. Almost threw up on that because it was flying. Those crazy germans. The express sidewalk alone was 10 min. Walk around the corner and discover customs agents. Get in line, of course I dont have my bags because they were checked through to turin. Say hi to the girl and get a stamp. No questions. As I go past her the arrows point to a stairwell. I follow the people down 8 flights of stairs and down a few more halls only to get to an elevator that we all pack in only to go up one floor. At this floor is where they check EVERYONE again. Doesnt matter that you are in the same terminal. Hundreds of us pack into this line and of course nobody has flown before. "I have to take my coat off?" "You want to see my laptop?" Now I am through this and I assume, A5, that must be the 5th gate. Funny thing about frankfurt airport. The gates mean nothing. Of the 200 airplanes there right now, only 20 of them have gates. The rest have stairwells to buses to the tar mack where your plane is waiting for you right beside the plane you took to get there in the first place. Seriously I saw my plane at B36 as I was walking up the stairs to my plane.

Turin airport was alot smaller. Get off my plane and wait for my luggage. Only to watch people rent those little carts for their luggage and then slam them into the luggage carousel like they will get closer if they dent it. I grab my luggage and proceed to leave, only to read a sign that says EU citizens go this way, everyone else declare stuff go to red and dont declare go to green. I go to green only to find my self back at the luggage carousel. I tried again but this time I asked the guy with the drug dog if I can just leave. He said yes. I left. That was customs.

I get dropped off my apartment on a street that only fits three fiats across. How do I know that, well there are 2 fiats parked and one driving and no room for me. Ring the buzzer. Nothing, ring some more. Nothing. Luckily a guy was walking into the apartment and he called my landlord for me. So then his son can and let me into my place.

Looking out my window I have a bar, 2 restaurants an antique shop, a few cafes and all the streets are not square with closed streets all over the place. I will be lost in 1 day.

Thats all for now.

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